Holidays… Usually I like to go on holidays with minimum amount of planning (ahead). Though this time, planning started more than 6 months prior to departure. The reason for the long planning phase was the total solar eclipse of 2017 (also cited as “The Great American Eclipse”). Choosing the right place and combining the eclipse day with sight seeing, adventure, photography opportunities, etc. took quite some time.
The final tour plan consisted of 4 major themes:
- Route 66 (from LA to New Mexico)
- National Parks (escpecially Yellowstone)
- Solar Eclipse in Wind River park
- Recreation in Florida
Including Florida, we made a tour of impressive 5000 miles, 6 National Parks in 10 states. (If you are interrested in our tour detailes, drop me a message)
Here is a small set of photos, representing the wonderful places we’ve been to. (For the solar eclipse photos, see the previous post)